Wednesday 25 January 2017

Daun Salam Siliwangi

Bay leaf Siliwangi retrieved from ilum graf i.e. 55 value greetings from our prayers to the right and 45 value value of greetings to the left. 4555 placement appropriate charging spots available as human destiny that is has both hands with each finger 10 5 5 left and right. If arranged by function z = (wokogof) (x) then applies x = inv (wokogof) is shaped by means of many tribes 3 with dimensions (policy, privacy) as [(2 ^ 33) ^ 3] 2 = 2 ^ 100. So we humans believe life on Earth was in 100 natural dimensions. The multiplicity of tribes is  f(x) = 4 x ^ 3 + x ^ 2 + x ^ 1 + 5 x ^ 12 + x ^-1 + 5 x ^ 2 + 4 x ^ 3. Want to know more in trying to start by answering the question for all the people who have the appropriate hands the destiny of the laahir due to the legal system in humans and humanity. Answer in mathematics. Prove that God gives the intelligentsia on the space of the VILLAGE of Siliwangi i.e. interval kontinu real number in [0.1] as much as n from 0 to 1 for (x, y, z) that n God inserted between two fingers. The answers confirm to Google or to Properma. Let me quickly to Google just because there are many people of genius or pure intelligence 1024 x 1024. I'd like the concentration to this new science writing and hopefully all n world citizens recognize Algebra ONE is referred to Human Science (ESA Algebra is the Queen of the Sciences of Mathematics).
